IASTM can be performed at almost any part of the body, from plantar fasciitis to TMJ.After surgery, IASTM can speed up recovery and prevent scar formation that may hinder a full recoveryOther successfully treated conditions include: rotator cuff inj…

IASTM can be performed at almost any part of the body, from plantar fasciitis to TMJ.

After surgery, IASTM can speed up recovery and prevent scar formation that may hinder a full recovery

Other successfully treated conditions include: rotator cuff injuries, knee injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, elbow tendonitis, strains/sprains, plantar fascitis and even fibromyalgia.




Now Offering...Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

When people move better, they tend to move more. We want people to move better.

Unfortunately, as we exercise we also tend to get injuries to the muscles, joints, and tendons.  Blades (tools used) introduces the concept of movement therapy and performance enhancement via Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM). IASTM work provides dry fascial gliding to promote improved ROM.  IASTM is a simple, yet effective, manual therapy technique that will help you achieve better results with your body.  

If you are struggling with a chronic injury or pain or want to reduce the healing time of a recent injury, a few IASTM treatments can produce remarkable results in a short period of time.

Myofascial release technique is intended to address localized tightness in the fascia. This localized tightness may be impairing proper movement by causing pain or limiting range of motion – or both. 

The FMT Blades treatment includes screening dysfunctional movement patterns and utilizing soft tissue tools to improve patient treatment. IASTM intervention strategies will also be combined corrective exercise techniques to deliver a comprehensive approach to patient care.

IASTM includes the concept of skin/fascial/nerve gliding and neuro-sensory pain modulation via Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization.  IASTM is not aggressive and does not cause excessive tissue damage and bruising.


Contact Mara Today to schedule an appointment at 608-279-2761